My father in~law Butch loves Cigars so we wanted to have them readily available throughout the evening. We decide to serve Raspberry Lambic instead of traditional Champagne! It tastes like Raspberry Soda, but it is alcoholic & mighty delicious!
This was one of our favorite "Stations" we had set up at our reception! The adults seemed to enjoy it just as much as the kids! I've seen a lot of candy tables keep to the color theme of the wedding ~ ours was just our favorite candies but the colors all seemed to blend well with eachother! Don't be afraid to mix and match!
I'm very excited about getting this blog started! It's something I've been wanting to do ever since I married my wonderful husband three years ago! I do hope to add to this blog regularly even though my days of bring a Bride are over (sniff...sniff). I remember how weird and quiet things got after the wedding! What in heck do I do now! No more projects, no more staying up late putting invitations together, no more midnight talks of eloping! Well I can honestly say now that the thrill of planning a wedding is over ~ I wouldn't have changed a thing!
As a child you could find me on my head more than on my feet so says my mom. A twirler of batons & dare devil gymnast that was me. An abundance of energy + a big back yard = a perfect match!
You could also find me in the kitchen cooking and baking with my mom. I know she probably wouldn't want me to blab this to the world but back in the 70's she took cooking lessons from Julia Child and belonged to 2 gourmet cooking clubs so you can only imagine how many different things I tasted growing up!
I am constantly inspired by the world around me and all of the wonderful talented people I find in "real life" and online that I seem to have a very long bucket list that so far only has a few drops at the bottom! May it never be filled to the top...